Introducing the Naka International Lounge


1Consultation Services

1-1“Naka International Lounge,” A Place You can Consult on Various Issues

The Naka International Lounge is a place where foreign residents can consult on various personal issues. If you have questions about life in Japan, we can provide information and resources in a language you can understand. Feel free to come to the Naka International Lounge whenever you like.

Consult Us About…

  • Where you can take Japanese lessons. (Wanting to Learn Japanese)
  • Where you can consult on legal, visa, work, or other issues. (Work Related Topics)
  • The process for enrolling a child in school. (School Related Topics)
  • Introducing and registering for volunteer translation and interpretation. (Volunteering)

1-2Primary Activities:

Besides consultation services, the Naka International Lounge holds Japanese language classes and study support classes for students. We also provide a place for foreign youth to interact and participate in events with Japanese people.

  • Japanese Language Classes
  • “Rainbow Space”, community place for youth with foreign backgrounds.
  • Study Support for Foreign Middle and High School Students
  • Developing and Dispatching Multicultural Volunteers (Translation, Interpretation, and Other Collaboration on Regional Events)
  • Coordination for foreign residents to participate in community events or activities.
  • Events to Promote Multicultural Understanding
  • Naka International Lounge is Recruiting Translation and Interpretation Volunteers!
    We are recruiting volunteers to do interpretation at regional events, translate flyers, and do other activities!

Join the local activities.Meet new people and connect with your community.

2Japanese Language Classes

2-1Japanese Language Classes Held by the Naka International Lounge

  • Regular Class(Spring/Fall Every Tuesday and Thursday (10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) ¥6,000: 30 Classes Total)
  • Hajimete Japanese Class (Every Tuesday and Thursday (10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) ¥2,000: 10 Classes Total)

Japanese Language Classes”

2-2Introducing Local Volunteer Japanese Classes

There are also regional volunteer-run Japanese language classes in Naka Ward.
The Naka International Lounge can introduce these classes.

Introducing Local Volunteer Japanese Classes

2-3Introducing Japanese Language Study Website


The Naka International Lounge is located on the first floor of the annex building next to the Naka Ward Office.
Feel free to stop by any time.
You can also visit this Website at any time from the Naka International Lounge Website.

  • Naka International Lounge Building
  • Study Support Classroom of Naka International Lounge
  • Rainbow Space, Naka International Lounge
Address 1st Floor, Naka Ward Office Annex, 35 Nihon Odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0021
TEL 045-210-0667 (English, Chinese, Simple Japanese)
FAX 045-224-8343
Operating Hours 9:15 a.m.~5:00 p.m.
Closed 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the Month, National Holidays, and Year-End and New Year Holidays (Dec. 29 through Jan. 3)
  • Naka International Lounge Access Map
  • Feel free to stop by the Naka International Lounge at anytime.